sweet orange essential oil 5ml

Latin name - Citrus sinensis

An orange oil produced by the cold pressing  of fresh orange peels. The oil is a yellow orange colour and its aroma is very typically orange.

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Sweet orange essential oilCitrus sinensis

An orange oil produced by the cold pressing  of fresh orange peels.  Used extensively in aromatherapy, food and flavours, fragrance and pharmacy. The oil is produced in Brazil and has a yellow orange colour and typically orange aroma.

Horses often select orange when they have skin conditions.

Properties: One to try if you have a horse that suffers from itchy skin conditions like sweet itch, where it is thought to relieve the itch and have a deterrent effect on the midges that cause the complaint. Other oils that may be useful to offer with sweet orange are german chamomile and peppermint.

Sweet Orange essential oil is often selected by young animals. It has a gentle uplifting and soothing effect, especially where horses are insecure or anxious to please.

Principle constituents: limonene, linalool, carvone.

Precautions: generally regarded as non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitising.