lavender essential oil 5ml

Latin name - Lavandula angustifolia

High quality lavender essential oil, grown and distilled in the UK. With antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties it is soothing to the skin and is often used for burns. Lavender is also both calming and relaxing and animals have selected it when exhibiting obsessive worry and withdrawal.

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Lavender essential oil - Lavandula angustifolia

Grown and distilled in the UK

Lavender's antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties are known to be soothing to the skin and it is often used for burns.

Animals have selected Lavender for scars, insect bites and muscular aches, it has also been observed by some to reduce the formation of proud flesh.

Properties: Lavender is one of the essential oils that  is familiar to most people. Historically used as a cleansing agent because of its antiseptic properties, lavender has numerous properties but is generally reached for when either a little physical or emotional TLC is called for!

Lavender essential oil  is both calming and relaxing. It is particularly suitable for sensitive, shy individuals. Horses that would like to connect but are too timid to do so. In our hedgewitch's practice, lavender is not an oil that is selected as often as you might think, given the prevalence it is given in the equine care market place.

Lavender's antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties are known to be soothing to the skin and is often used for burns. Lavender has also been observed by some to reduce the formation of proud flesh.

Principle constituents: Alcohols - linalool, lavandulol, terpinen-4-ol; esters - linalyl acetate, lavandulyl acetate; terpenes; oxides - 1,8-cineoale.

Precautions: Generally thought to be non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, though watch for adulteration.